Hello, welcome to my web site! My name is Kukka. I hope I'm doing this right, please forgive me for any mistakes...
First, a little about me. I'm an axolotl girl, that means I'm a human but also an axolotl... I'm not really sure. I live on my own in a cabin deep in the woods. My hobby is collecting herbs and studying them. I'm specifically looking for something that can cure my cold.
I live in a wooden cabin which I built by myself. It's small, so in reality, only I fit into it... I wouldn't turn away any visitors though, except for the frogs who live in the nearby pond. I don't want them to get in, so I built my cabin on stilts.
If you would like to come visit, please come. I've been alone all my life, ever since I hatched from my egg. I would really like to have a friend.
What else can I say... oh, I might look young, but I'm actually turning 26 in the summer. I just look this way because all axolotls are paedomorphic, which means we retain adolescent features.
I'm sorry I don't have many pictures to upload here. There's nothing all too interesting about me or my life... I guess, here's a picture of me in my cabin drinking a cup of nettle tea.
And this is me having a campfire.
And if you want to come visit me, here is a map of how you can reach me.
Just don't get too close, I don't want to infect you with anything...